WOW The War Within Gold


WOW The War Within Gold US

WOW The War Within Gold EU
Aegwynn Alliance
Aegwynn Horde
Aerie Peak Alliance
Aerie Peak Horde
Agamaggan Alliance
Agamaggan Horde
Aggramar Alliance
Aggramar Horde
Akama Alliance
Akama Horde
Alexstrasza Alliance
Alexstrasza Horde
Alleria Alliance
Alleria Horde
Altar Of Storms Alliance
Altar Of Storms Horde
Alterac Mountains Alliance
Alterac Mountains Horde
Aman'Thul Alliance
Aman'Thul Horde
Andorhal Alliance
Andorhal Horde
Anetheron Alliance
Anetheron Horde
Antonidas Alliance
Antonidas Horde
Anub'arak Alliance
Anub'arak Horde
Anvilmar Alliance
Anvilmar Horde
Arathor Alliance
Arathor Horde
Archimonde Alliance
Archimonde Horde
Area 52 Alliance
Area 52 Horde
Argent Dawn Alliance
Argent Dawn Horde
Arthas Alliance
Arthas Horde
Arygos Alliance
Arygos Horde
Auchindoun Alliance
Auchindoun Horde
Azgalor Alliance
Azgalor Horde
Azjol Nerub Alliance
Azjol Nerub Horde
Azralon Alliance
Azralon Horde
Azshara Alliance
Azshara Horde
Azuremyst Alliance
Azuremyst Horde
Baelgun Alliance
Baelgun Horde
Balnazzar Alliance
Balnazzar Horde
Barthilas Alliance
Barthilas Horde
Black Dragonflight Alliance
Black Dragonflight Horde
Blackhand Alliance
Blackhand Horde
Blackrock Alliance
Blackrock Horde
Blackwater Raiders Alliance
Blackwater Raiders Horde
Blackwing Lair Alliance
Blackwing Lair Horde
Blade's Edge Alliance
Blade's Edge Horde
Bladefist Alliance
Bladefist Horde
Bleeding Hollow Alliance
Bleeding Hollow Horde
Blood Furnace Alliance
Blood Furnace Horde
Bloodhoof Alliance
Bloodhoof Horde
Bloodscalp Alliance
Bloodscalp Horde
Bonechewer Alliance
Bonechewer Horde
Borean Tundra Alliance
Borean Tundra Horde
Boulderfist Alliance
Boulderfist Horde
Bronzebeard Alliance
Bronzebeard Horde
Burning Blade Alliance
Burning Blade Horde
Burning PC Harvest Alliance
Burning PC Harvest Horde
Caelestrasz Alliance
Caelestrasz Horde
Cairne Alliance
Cairne Horde
Cenarion Circle Alliance
Cenarion Circle Horde
Cenarius Alliance
Cenarius Horde
Cho'gall Alliance
Cho'gall Horde
Chromaggus Alliance
Chromaggus Horde
Coilfang Alliance
Coilfang Horde
Crushridge Alliance
Crushridge Horde
Daggerspine Alliance
Daggerspine Horde
Dalaran Alliance
Dalaran Horde
Dalvengyr Alliance
Dalvengyr Horde
Dark Iron Alliance
Dark Iron Horde
Darkspear Alliance
Darkspear Horde
Darrowmere Alliance
Darrowmere Horde
Dath'Remar Alliance
Dath'Remar Horde
Dawnbringer Alliance
Dawnbringer Horde
Deathwing Alliance
Deathwing Horde
Demon Soul Alliance
Demon Soul Horde
Dentarg Alliance
Dentarg Horde
Destromath Alliance
Destromath Horde
Dethecus Alliance
Dethecus Horde
Detheroc Alliance
Detheroc Horde
Doomhammer Alliance
Doomhammer Horde
Draenor Alliance
Draenor Horde
DragonPSFour Harvest Alliance
DragonPSFour Harvest Horde
Dragonmaw Alliance
Dragonmaw Horde
Drak'Tharon Alliance
Drak'Tharon Horde
Drak'thul Alliance
Drak'thul Horde
Draka Alliance
Draka Horde
Drakkari Alliance
Drakkari Horde
Dreadmaul Alliance
Dreadmaul Horde
Drenden Alliance
Drenden Horde
Dunemaul Alliance
Dunemaul Horde
Durotan Alliance
Durotan Horde
Duskwood Alliance
Duskwood Horde
Earthen Ring Alliance
Earthen Ring Horde
Echo Isles Alliance
Echo Isles Horde
Eitrigg Alliance
Eitrigg Horde
Eldre'Thalas Alliance
Eldre'Thalas Horde
Elune Alliance
Elune Horde
Emerald Dream Alliance
Emerald Dream Horde
Eonar Alliance
Eonar Horde
Eredar Alliance
Eredar Horde
Executus Alliance
Executus Horde
Exodar Alliance
Exodar Horde
Farstriders Alliance
Farstriders Horde
Feathermoon Alliance
Feathermoon Horde
Fenris Alliance
Fenris Horde
Firetree Alliance
Firetree Horde
Fizzcrank Alliance
Fizzcrank Horde
Frostmane Alliance
Frostmane Horde
Frostmourne Alliance
Frostmourne Horde
Frostwolf Alliance
Frostwolf Horde
Galakrond Alliance
Galakrond Horde
Gallywix Alliance
Gallywix Horde
Garithos Alliance
Garithos Horde
Garona Alliance
Garona Horde
Garrosh Alliance
Garrosh Horde
Ghostlands Alliance
Ghostlands Horde
Gilneas Alliance
Gilneas Horde
Gnomeregan Alliance
Gnomeregan Horde
Goldrinn Alliance
Goldrinn Horde
Gorefiend Alliance
Gorefiend Horde
Gorgonnash Alliance
Gorgonnash Horde
Greymane Alliance
Greymane Horde
Grizzly Hills Alliance
Grizzly Hills Horde
Gul'dan Alliance
Gul'dan Horde
Gundrak Alliance
Gundrak Horde
Gurubashi Alliance
Gurubashi Horde
Hakkar Alliance
Hakkar Horde
Haomarush Alliance
Haomarush Horde
Hellscream Alliance
Hellscream Horde
Hydraxis Alliance
Hydraxis Horde
Hyjal Alliance
Hyjal Horde
Icecrown Alliance
Icecrown Horde
Illidan Alliance
Illidan Horde
Jaedenar Alliance
Jaedenar Horde
Jubei'Thos Alliance
Jubei'Thos Horde
Kael'thas Alliance
Kael'thas Horde
Kalecgos Alliance
Kalecgos Horde
Kargath Alliance
Kargath Horde
Kel'Thuzad Alliance
Kel'Thuzad Horde
Khadgar Alliance
Khadgar Horde
Khaz Modan Alliance
Khaz Modan Horde
Khaz'goroth Alliance
Khaz'goroth Horde
Kil'Jaeden Alliance
Kil'Jaeden Horde
Kilrogg Alliance
Kilrogg Horde
Kirin Tor Alliance
Kirin Tor Horde
Korgath Alliance
Korgath Horde
Korialstrasz Alliance
Korialstrasz Horde
Kul Tiras Alliance
Kul Tiras Horde
Laughing Skull Alliance
Laughing Skull Horde
Lethon Alliance
Lethon Horde
Lightbringer Alliance
Lightbringer Horde
Lightning's Blade Alliance
Lightning's Blade Horde
Lightninghoof Alliance
Lightninghoof Horde
Llane Alliance
Llane Horde
Lothar Alliance
Lothar Horde
Madoran Alliance
Madoran Horde
Maelstrom Alliance
Maelstrom Horde
Magtheridon Alliance
Magtheridon Horde
Maiev Alliance
Maiev Horde
Mal'Ganis Alliance
Mal'Ganis Horde
Malfurion Alliance
Malfurion Horde
Malorne Alliance
Malorne Horde
Malygos Alliance
Malygos Horde
Mannoroth Alliance
Mannoroth Horde
Medivh Alliance
Medivh Horde
Misha Alliance
Misha Horde
Mok'Nathal Alliance
Mok'Nathal Horde
Moon Guard Alliance
Moon Guard Horde
Moonrunner Alliance
Moonrunner Horde
Mug'thol Alliance
Mug'thol Horde
Muradin Alliance
Muradin Horde
Nagrand Alliance
Nagrand Horde
Nathrezim Alliance
Nathrezim Horde
Nazgrel Alliance
Nazgrel Horde
Nazjatar Alliance
Nazjatar Horde
Nemesis Alliance
Nemesis Horde
Ner'Zhul Alliance
Ner'Zhul Horde
Nesingwary Alliance
Nesingwary Horde
Nordrassil Alliance
Nordrassil Horde
Norgannon Alliance
Norgannon Horde
Onyxia Alliance
Onyxia Horde
Perenolde Alliance
Perenolde Horde
Proudmoore Alliance
Proudmoore Horde
Quel'dorei Alliance
Quel'dorei Horde
Quel'Thalas Alliance
Quel'Thalas Horde
Ragnaros Alliance
Ragnaros Horde
Ravencrest Alliance
Ravencrest Horde
Ravenholdt Alliance
Ravenholdt Horde
Rexxar Alliance
Rexxar Horde
Rivendare Alliance
Rivendare Horde
Runetotem Alliance
Runetotem Horde
Sargeras Alliance
Sargeras Horde
Saurfang Alliance
Saurfang Horde
Scarlet Crusade Alliance
Scarlet Crusade Horde
Scilla Alliance
Scilla Horde
Sen'Jin Alliance
Sen'Jin Horde
Sentinels Alliance
Sentinels Horde
Shadow Council Alliance
Shadow Council Horde
Shadow Moon Alliance
Shadow Moon Horde
Shadowsong Alliance
Shadowsong Horde
Shandris Alliance
Shandris Horde
Shattered Halls Alliance
Shattered Halls Horde
Shattered Hand Alliance
Shattered Hand Horde
Shu'halo Alliance
Shu'halo Horde
Silver Hand Alliance
Silver Hand Horde
Silvermoon Alliance
Silvermoon Horde
Sisters Of Elune Alliance
Sisters Of Elune Horde
Skullcrusher Alliance
Skullcrusher Horde
Skywall Alliance
Skywall Horde
Smolderthorn Alliance
Smolderthorn Horde
Spinebreaker Alliance
Spinebreaker Horde
Spirestone Alliance
Spirestone Horde
Staghelm Alliance
Staghelm Horde
Steamwheedle Cartel Alliance
Steamwheedle Cartel Horde
Stonemaul Alliance
Stonemaul Horde
Stormrage Alliance
Stormrage Horde
Stormreaver Alliance
Stormreaver Horde
Stormscale Alliance
Stormscale Horde
Suramar Alliance
Suramar Horde
Tanaris Alliance
Tanaris Horde
Terenas Alliance
Terenas Horde
Terokkar Alliance
Terokkar Horde
Thaurissan Alliance
Thaurissan Horde
The Forgotten Coast Alliance
The Forgotten Coast Horde
The Scryers Alliance
The Scryers Horde
The Underbog Alliance
The Underbog Horde
The Venture Co Alliance
The Venture Co Horde
Thorium Brotherhood Alliance
Thorium Brotherhood Horde
Thrall Alliance
Thrall Horde
Thunderhorn Alliance
Thunderhorn Horde
Thunderlord Alliance
Thunderlord Horde
Tichondrius Alliance
Tichondrius Horde
Tol Barad Alliance
Tol Barad Horde
Tortheldrin Alliance
Tortheldrin Horde
Trollbane Alliance
Trollbane Horde
Turalyon Alliance
Turalyon Horde
Twisting Nether Alliance
Twisting Nether Horde
Uldaman Alliance
Uldaman Horde
Uldum Alliance
Uldum Horde
Undermine Alliance
Undermine Horde
Ursin Alliance
Ursin Horde
Uther Alliance
Uther Horde
Vashj Alliance
Vashj Horde
Vek'nilash Alliance
Vek'nilash Horde
Velen Alliance
Velen Horde
Warsong Alliance
Warsong Horde
Whisperwind Alliance
Whisperwind Horde
Wildhammer Alliance
Wildhammer Horde
Windrunner Alliance
Windrunner Horde
Winterhoof Alliance
Winterhoof Horde
Wyrmrest Accord Alliance
Wyrmrest Accord Horde
Ysera Alliance
Ysera Horde
Ysondre Alliance
Ysondre Horde
Zangarmarsh Alliance
Zangarmarsh Horde
Zul'jin Alliance
Zul'jin Horde
Zuluhed Alliance
Zuluhed Horde
Aegwynn Alliance
Aegwynn Horde
Aerie Peak Alliance
Aerie Peak Horde
Agamaggan Alliance
Agamaggan Horde
Aggra Alliance
Aggra Horde
Aggramar Alliance
Aggramar Horde
Ahn'Qiraj Alliance
Ahn'Qiraj Horde
Al'Akir Alliance
Al'Akir Horde
Alexstrasza Alliance
Alexstrasza Horde
Alleria Alliance
Alleria Horde
Alonsus Alliance
Alonsus Horde
Aman'Thul Alliance
Aman'Thul Horde
Ambossar Alliance
Ambossar Horde
Anachronos Alliance
Anachronos Horde
Anetheron Alliance
Anetheron Horde
Antonidas Alliance
Antonidas Horde
Anub'arak Alliance
Anub'arak Horde
Anvilmar Alliance
Anvilmar Horde
Arak-Arahm Alliance
Arak-Arahm Horde
Arathi Alliance
Arathi Horde
Arathor Alliance
Arathor Horde
Archimonde Alliance
Archimonde Horde
Area 52 Alliance
Area 52 Horde
Argent Dawn Alliance
Argent Dawn Horde
Arthas Alliance
Arthas Horde
Arygos Alliance
Arygos Horde
Aszune Alliance
Aszune Horde
Auchindoun Alliance
Auchindoun Horde
Azjol-Nerub Alliance
Azjol-Nerub Horde
Azshara Alliance
Azshara Horde
Azuremyst Alliance
Azuremyst Horde
Baelgun Alliance
Baelgun Horde
Balnazzar Alliance
Balnazzar Horde
Blackhand Alliance
Blackhand Horde
Blackmoore Alliance
Blackmoore Horde
Blackrock Alliance
Blackrock Horde
Blade's Edge Alliance
Blade's Edge Horde
Bladefist Alliance
Bladefist Horde
Bloodfeather Alliance
Bloodfeather Horde
Bloodhoof Alliance
Bloodhoof Horde
Bloodscalp Alliance
Bloodscalp Horde
Blutkessel Alliance
Blutkessel Horde
Boulderfist Alliance
Boulderfist Horde
Bronze Dragonflight Alliance
Bronze Dragonflight Horde
Bronzebeard Alliance
Bronzebeard Horde
Burning Blade Alliance
Burning Blade Horde
Burning PC Harvest Alliance
Burning PC Harvest Horde
Burning Steppes Alliance
Burning Steppes Horde
C'Thun Alliance
C'Thun Horde
Chamber Of Aspects Alliance
Chamber Of Aspects Horde
Chants Eternels Alliance
Chants Eternels Horde
Cho'gall Alliance
Cho'gall Horde
Chromaggus Alliance
Chromaggus Horde
Colinas Pardas Alliance
Colinas Pardas Horde
Confrerie Du Thorium Alliance
Confrerie Du Thorium Horde
Conseil Des Ombres Alliance
Conseil Des Ombres Horde
Crushridge Alliance
Crushridge Horde
Culte De La Rive Noire Alliance
Culte De La Rive Noire Horde
Daggerspine Alliance
Daggerspine Horde
Dalaran Alliance
Dalaran Horde
Dalvengyr Alliance
Dalvengyr Horde
Darkmoon Faire Alliance
Darkmoon Faire Horde
Darksorrow Alliance
Darksorrow Horde
Darkspear Alliance
Darkspear Horde
Das Konsortium Alliance
Das Konsortium Horde
Das Syndikat Alliance
Das Syndikat Horde
Deathwing Alliance
Deathwing Horde
Defias Brotherhood Alliance
Defias Brotherhood Horde
Dentarg Alliance
Dentarg Horde
Der Abyssische Rat Alliance
Der Abyssische Rat Horde
Der Mithrilorden Alliance
Der Mithrilorden Horde
Der Rat Von Dalaran Alliance
Der Rat Von Dalaran Horde
Destromath Alliance
Destromath Horde
Dethecus Alliance
Dethecus Horde
Die Aldor Alliance
Die Aldor Horde
Die Arguswacht Alliance
Die Arguswacht Horde
Die Ewige Wacht Alliance
Die Ewige Wacht Horde
Die Nachtwache Alliance
Die Nachtwache Horde
Die Silberne Hand Alliance
Die Silberne Hand Horde
Die Todeskrallen Alliance
Die Todeskrallen Horde
Doomhammer Alliance
Doomhammer Horde
Draenor Alliance
Draenor Horde
DragonPSFour Harvest Alliance
DragonPSFour Harvest Horde
Dragonmaw Alliance
Dragonmaw Horde
Drak'thul Alliance
Drak'thul Horde
Drek'Thar Alliance
Drek'Thar Horde
Dun Modr Alliance
Dun Modr Horde
Dun Morogh Alliance
Dun Morogh Horde
Dunemaul Alliance
Dunemaul Horde
Durotan Alliance
Durotan Horde
Earthen Ring Alliance
Earthen Ring Horde
Echsenkessel Alliance
Echsenkessel Horde
Eitrigg Alliance
Eitrigg Horde
Eldre'Thalas Alliance
Eldre'Thalas Horde
Elune Alliance
Elune Horde
Emerald Dream Alliance
Emerald Dream Horde
Emeriss Alliance
Emeriss Horde
Eonar Alliance
Eonar Horde
Eredar Alliance
Eredar Horde
Executus Alliance
Executus Horde
Exodar Alliance
Exodar Horde
Festung Der Stürme Alliance
Festung Der Stürme Horde
Forscherliga Alliance
Forscherliga Horde
Frostmane Alliance
Frostmane Horde
Frostmourne Alliance
Frostmourne Horde
Frostwhisper Alliance
Frostwhisper Horde
Frostwolf Alliance
Frostwolf Horde
Garona Alliance
Garona Horde
Garrosh Alliance
Garrosh Horde
Genjuros Alliance
Genjuros Horde
Ghostlands Alliance
Ghostlands Horde
Gilneas Alliance
Gilneas Horde
Gorgonnash Alliance
Gorgonnash Horde
Grim Batol Alliance
Grim Batol Horde
Gul'dan Alliance
Gul'dan Horde
Hakkar Alliance
Hakkar Horde
Haomarush Alliance
Haomarush Horde
Hellfire Alliance
Hellfire Horde
Hellscream Alliance
Hellscream Horde
Hyjal Alliance
Hyjal Horde
Illidan Alliance
Illidan Horde
Jaedenar Alliance
Jaedenar Horde
Kael'Thas Alliance
Kael'Thas Horde
Karazhan Alliance
Karazhan Horde
Kargath Alliance
Kargath Horde
Kazzak Alliance
Kazzak Horde
Kel'Thuzad Alliance
Kel'Thuzad Horde
Khadgar Alliance
Khadgar Horde
Khaz Modan Alliance
Khaz Modan Horde
Khaz'goroth Alliance
Khaz'goroth Horde
Kil'Jaeden Alliance
Kil'Jaeden Horde
Kilrogg Alliance
Kilrogg Horde
Kirin Tor Alliance
Kirin Tor Horde
Kor'gall Alliance
Kor'gall Horde
Krag'jin Alliance
Krag'jin Horde
Krasus Alliance
Krasus Horde
Kul Tiras Alliance
Kul Tiras Horde
Kult Der Verdammten Alliance
Kult Der Verdammten Horde
La Croisade Écarlate Alliance
La Croisade Écarlate Horde
Laughing Skull Alliance
Laughing Skull Horde
Les Clairvoyants Alliance
Les Clairvoyants Horde
Les Sentinelles Alliance
Les Sentinelles Horde
Lightbringer Alliance
Lightbringer Horde
Lightning's Blade Alliance
Lightning's Blade Horde
Lordaeron Alliance
Lordaeron Horde
Los Errantes Alliance
Los Errantes Horde
Lothar Alliance
Lothar Horde
Madmortem Alliance
Madmortem Horde
Magtheridon Alliance
Magtheridon Horde
Mal'Ganis Alliance
Mal'Ganis Horde
Malfurion Alliance
Malfurion Horde
Malorne Alliance
Malorne Horde
Malygos Alliance
Malygos Horde
Mannoroth Alliance
Mannoroth Horde
Marecage De Zangar Alliance
Marecage De Zangar Horde
Mazrigos Alliance
Mazrigos Horde
Medivh Alliance
Medivh Horde
Minahonda Alliance
Minahonda Horde
Molten Core Alliance
Molten Core Horde
Moonglade Alliance
Moonglade Horde
Mug'thol Alliance
Mug'thol Horde
Nagrand Alliance
Nagrand Horde
Nathrezim Alliance
Nathrezim Horde
Naxxramas Alliance
Naxxramas Horde
Nazjatar Alliance
Nazjatar Horde
Nefarian Alliance
Nefarian Horde
Nemesis Alliance
Nemesis Horde
Neptulon Alliance
Neptulon Horde
Ner'zhul Alliance
Ner'zhul Horde
Nera'thor Alliance
Nera'thor Horde
Nethersturm Alliance
Nethersturm Horde
Nordrassil Alliance
Nordrassil Horde
Norgannon Alliance
Norgannon Horde
Nozdormu Alliance
Nozdormu Horde
Onyxia Alliance
Onyxia Horde
Outland Alliance
Outland Horde
Perenolde Alliance
Perenolde Horde
Pierre Farines Alliance
Pierre Farines Horde
Pozzo Dell'Eternita Alliance
Pozzo Dell'Eternita Horde
Proudmoore Alliance
Proudmoore Horde
Quel'Thalas Alliance
Quel'Thalas Horde
Ragnaros Alliance
Ragnaros Horde
Rajaxx Alliance
Rajaxx Horde
Rashgarroth Alliance
Rashgarroth Horde
Ravencrest Alliance
Ravencrest Horde
Ravenholdt Alliance
Ravenholdt Horde
Rexxar Alliance
Rexxar Horde
Runetotem Alliance
Runetotem Horde
Sanguino Alliance
Sanguino Horde
Sargeras Alliance
Sargeras Horde
Saurfang Alliance
Saurfang Horde
Scarshield PC Harvest Alliance
Scarshield PC Harvest Horde
Sen'jin Alliance
Sen'jin Horde
Shadow Moon Alliance
Shadow Moon Horde
Shadowsong Alliance
Shadowsong Horde
Shattered Halls Alliance
Shattered Halls Horde
Shattered Hand Alliance
Shattered Hand Horde
Shattrath Alliance
Shattrath Horde
Shen'dralar Alliance
Shen'dralar Horde
Silvermoon Alliance
Silvermoon Horde
Sinstralis Alliance
Sinstralis Horde
Skullcrusher Alliance
Skullcrusher Horde
Spinebreaker Alliance
Spinebreaker Horde
Sporeggar Alliance
Sporeggar Horde
Steamwheedle Cartel Alliance
Steamwheedle Cartel Horde
Stonemaul Alliance
Stonemaul Horde
Stormrage Alliance
Stormrage Horde
Stormreaver Alliance
Stormreaver Horde
Stormscale Alliance
Stormscale Horde
Sunstrider Alliance
Sunstrider Horde
Suramar Alliance
Suramar Horde
Sylvanas Alliance
Sylvanas Horde
Taerar Alliance
Taerar Horde
Talnivarr Alliance
Talnivarr Horde
Tarren Mill Alliance
Tarren Mill Horde
Teldrassil Alliance
Teldrassil Horde
Temple Noir Alliance
Temple Noir Horde
Terenas Alliance
Terenas Horde
Terokkar Alliance
Terokkar Horde
Terrordar Alliance
Terrordar Horde
The Maelstrom Alliance
The Maelstrom Horde
The Sha'tar Alliance
The Sha'tar Horde
The Venture Co. Alliance
The Venture Co. Horde
Theradras Alliance
Theradras Horde
Thrall Alliance
Thrall Horde
Throk'Feroth Alliance
Throk'Feroth Horde
Thunderhorn Alliance
Thunderhorn Horde
Tichondrius Alliance
Tichondrius Horde
Tirion Alliance
Tirion Horde
Todeswache Alliance
Todeswache Horde
Trollbane Alliance
Trollbane Horde
Turalyon Alliance
Turalyon Horde
Twilight's Hammer Alliance
Twilight's Hammer Horde
Twisting Nether Alliance
Twisting Nether Horde
Tyrande Alliance
Tyrande Horde
Uldaman Alliance
Uldaman Horde
Ulduar Alliance
Ulduar Horde
Uldum Alliance
Uldum Horde
Un'Goro Alliance
Un'Goro Horde
Varimathras Alliance
Varimathras Horde
Vashj Alliance
Vashj Horde
Vek'lor Alliance
Vek'lor Horde
Vek'nilash Alliance
Vek'nilash Horde
Vol'jin Alliance
Vol'jin Horde
Well Of Eternity Alliance
Well Of Eternity Horde
Wildhammer Alliance
Wildhammer Horde
Wrathbringer Alliance
Wrathbringer Horde
Xavius Alliance
Xavius Horde
Ysera Alliance
Ysera Horde
Ysondre Alliance
Ysondre Horde
Zenedar Alliance
Zenedar Horde
Zirkel Des Cenarius Alliance
Zirkel Des Cenarius Horde
Zul'jin Alliance
Zul'jin Horde
Zuluhed Alliance
Zuluhed Horde
Sobre WOW The War Within Gold
WOW The War Within Overview
WOW The War Within is a MMORPG developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment, and is the tenth expansion for World of WarCraft after Dragonflight. The expansion was announced in November 2023 and released on August 26, 2024.
The War Within is set in the underground continent of Khaz Algar, divided into four different regions: the Isle of Dorn, the Ringing Deeps, Hallowfall, and Azj-Kahet. The main story of the game revolves around the Harbinger of the Void, Xal’atath, who mobilizes her army to threaten Khaz Algar and all of Azeroth. Therefore, players need to further develop their characters with new skills and talents, and lead the team to survive in a dangerous world and save the fate of Azeroth.
What Does WOW TWW Gold Do?
In World of Warcraft, gold is like a heart, injecting vitality into your virtual adventure. If your goal is to adorn your character with the best armor to gain powerful magic, or collect exclusive clothing and mounts to highlight your uniqueness, then having a lot of WOW TWW Gold is essential. Accumulating WOW The War Within Gold is not just about keeping your wealth, it also means having things that sync with others and make the game play better. Let’s take a deeper look at the main uses of gold:
- Upgrading Equipment: Quickly upgrading lower-level equipment and stocking up on necessary consumables and runes all cost a certain amount of TWW Gold.
- Repairing: Repairing equipment in the game is often an ongoing expense, especially when you frequently enter high-level dungeons and raids.
- Buying Crafting Materials: Crafting top-level equipment requires rare materials, which can be very expensive.
- Mount Collection: While not essential to the game, rare and beautiful mounts are a desirable luxury, and the WOW TWW Gold required is usually high.
- Character Customization: For fans of character customization, spending on transmog options can cost a lot of WOW The War Within Gold, but it can bring great satisfaction.
How To Earn More Gold In WOW The War Within?
In the vast World of Warcraft, many ways can bring you gold, but not all roads are equally fruitful. Here are some ways that may help you find the way to wealth in The War Within expansion:
- Trading at the Auction House
- Spending time farming Reagents
- Choosing the right Profession
- Completing Crafting Orders
- Farming Cosmetic Items
- Completing Weekly and World Quest
However, the process of farming WOW TWW Gold is long and boring, and when challenging some high-difficulty modes, it is likely to cause players to lose their hard-earned gold in multiple games. Therefore, buying WOW The War Within Gold for sale on a safe platform often becomes a must-go for many World of Warcraft players seeking to improve quickly.
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