Mounts Unlock

Buy New World Mounts Unlock - Discover New World Mounts! Now, you can roam the enchanting lands of Aeternum with style and speed. Currently, you have the opportunity to obtain three magnificent mounts: Horse, Dire Wolf, and a Lion. Stay tuned for more exciting mount options coming your way in the future. Order NW Mounts Unlock and ugrade your New World experience today!
What you will get
- Unlock the desired base mount;
- Quest rewards.
Additional options
- Riding Skill up to 250 — upgrade your riding skills to maximum;
- All Mounts Quests & Races Completion — we'll complete all quests related to riding profession;
- To order Lion Mount you must have Dire Wolf Mount unlocked.
- Character needs to be specific level:
- For the Horse Mount unlock - 25 lvl;
- For Dire Wolf Mount unlock - 45 lvl;
- For Lion Mount unlock - 65 lvl.
How it works
- Select preferred options, your server, and place an order;
- We will contact you via our live chat or by sending an email;
- All the details will be discussed beforehand and the start time will be set according to your schedule;
- We’ll find you an experienced booster who fits in your schedule the best;
- At the appointed time, our professional player will boost you;
- Enjoy the results! And don’t forget to rate our services on Trustpilot.
If you still have some questions or want some unusual options — feel free to text us! Even at 3:00 AM :) We're 24/7 online!

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Horse unlock
Dire Wolf unlock
Lion unlock
All 3 Mounts unlock
Riding Skill up to 250
All Mounts Quests & Races Completion