Savage Divide Expedition

Buy New World Savage Divide Expedition full run and get high-tier gear with ease – no need for complex strategies.
This cutting-edge dungeon offers Gear at a 685 power level. Our Savage Divide Expedition boost ensures you're among the first to conquer bosses, unlocking legendary gear, valuable loot and a chance to get Dark Matter. There's no need to search for teammates. Join us now and claim the rewards from the Savage Divide Expedition run!
What you will get
- Any number of Savage Divide Expedition runs;
- Chance to get 685 GS Gear;
- Dark Matter Drop Chance;
- Legendary weapons & gear;
- Additional experience, coins, and loot.
- A 62 level character.
- At least 625 GS.
How it works
- We form a priority list based on the execution options and time when the order was placed;
- We will contact you in the live chat or via email. Ask any questions;
- The booster will pilot your character;
- Your booster and his team will enter the expedition and kill all the bosses;
- We will notify you about the NW Savage Divide Expedition carry completion;
- Enjoy the results! And do not forget to rate us on Trustpilot.

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