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Diablo 4: 5 Little-Known Hidden Tricks & Tips! - Cursed Shrines, NMD Reset, Interactions, Glyphs & Prime Evil Quests
Dec 25, 2023

Source: MMOWTS

Diablo 4 is an enormous game with many systems layered on top of each other. While most of the mechanics are clear to everyone, there are some lesser-known facts that are known only to players who have invested hundreds or even thousands of hours into the game.

This little information, while not required, can give you an edge over others when playing the game. In this guide, I’ll give you 5 tips and tricks you didn’t know about Diablo 4.

Diablo 4: 5 Little-Known Hidden Tricks & Tips! - Cursed Shrines, NMD Reset, Interactions, Glyphs & Prime Evil Quests

Cursed Shrines

Ranking fifth is Cursed Shrines. You no longer need to click on Shrines or Health Fountains, just hover your mouse cursor over the icon on the mini-map to find out if it’s cursed.

If you see a label, Shrine is safe and legal. But if it doesn’t have a label when you hover over its icon, it’s definitely cursed. You need to avoid clicking it entirely to avoid wasting more time in the dungeon clear.

Diablo 4: How to Tell if a Shrine is Cursed Without Clicking It?

Reset NMD

The fourth is to reset NMD before we complete them. You can use “Leave Dungeon” option to reset Dungeons and Nightmare Dungeons before killing the boss, and wait 2 and a half minutes before entering Dungeons. You can enter after waiting 2 and a half minutes, and the copy will be reset.

This is useful for farming Nightmare Sigils repeatedly, or farming a certain dungeon’s junk monsters. Note that this feature does not work if you just teleport out of the dungeon. You must specifically use the “Leave Dungeon” feature.

Diablo 4: How to Reset Dungeons and Nightmare Dungeons Instantly?


Third, we have petting dogs. Did you know you can pet the puppy in the game that runs around the city? All you have to do is stop near them, make a hello emote, and you’ve made a friend.

Glyphs Upgrade

The second tip has to do with upgrading glyphs. Normally you have to select the glyphs first and then click “Upgrade” button multiple times before the game can assign all glyph XP to that glyph.

But this is where skill comes into play. You can upgrade multiple times by simply selecting the glyph you want to upgrade and then right-clicking on the glyph itself. This saves you the precious half-second needed to move your cursor from the glyph to the upgrade button. Thank me later when you save an entire hour because of this tip.

Diablo 4: Fastest Way To Level Up Your Glyphs!

Prime Evil Side Quests

Finally, we have the secret Prime Evil Side Quests. There are three Prime Evils-related statues hidden throughout the game world.

After activating all three Prime Evil statues, return to Unknown Altar in Gates to Hell and interact with them to energize them. Doing so will open Mysterious Gateway, and Way of the Three quests will automatically begin.

Enter this Gateway and interact with High Priest Corpse found shortly after entering the area. This will make High Priest’s spirit appear. Talk to her, then walk a short distance east to reach Communing Pillar.

Once you get close to the pillar, waves of demons will spawn. Kill each wave until they are gone, then destroy Communing Pillar. Once this Pillar is destroyed, the mission is complete. You will then get some Diablo 4 Gold, XP, 20 Kehjistan Renown and Hellfire Hauberk items as rewards.

Diablo 4: Prime Evil Side Quests

So those are the top 5 tips and tricks for Diablo 4 that not many players know! Please tell me how many of these five facts you know. Do you know any other little-known gameplay and techniques? See you next time!

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