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Diablo 4: A Sneaky Trick To Help You Get Unique Loot In Side Quest!
Jul 25, 2023

Source: MMOWTS

In Diablo 4, an Amulet that can give you up to 2000 life, but Amulets can't have life on it. That's technically true, but practically, there's an item from a Side Quest and it's the only Amulet that can have max life for your character. So if you're lacking in that Department's survivability wise, here's Side Quest.

Diablo 4

Side Quest Location

It starts down in Hawezar Wejinhani in Diablo 4, from the Wejinhani point, you ride all the way to this, and if you actually proceed in the campaign far enough, you know who that lady is we're writing to.

Diablo 4 Writing To

I highly recommend doing this Quest not only for Amulet, but also because you're meeting an old friend again, that's so far my favorite character through all the Diablos. Also stay tuned until the end because there's a sneaky trick how you can upgrade your Amulet to the max, even if it rolls as a rare and can only get upgraded three times. Let me show you the item in question, what to do within and how you can actually turn if it rolls normal rare into Sacred or Ancestral? Because the whole trick with this Quest is do not do this straight away.

Warning: Not Before Lvl 73!

You should wait until you're a little bit higher level, and with higher level I mean, probably 73. Because from 73 on the item can roll 800 plus, I was a little bit unlucky and I only get the item at a 718 Item Power, that's okay, mine roll it with up to 1500 max life, but it also gives a total of 15% plus damage and it came with 10% cooldown reduction. If you want to upgrade quickly, maybe Diablo 4 Boosting Service can help you.

Diablo 4 Higher Level

These things actually alter apart from the max life, from class to class, to fit more to what you're playing. This is for example the version that was picked up if I'm not mistaken by Druid or Barbarian.

The Dirty Little Secret

As you notice that one rolled as a 603 rare, now that would be a problem, because you know rare items can't be upgraded five times in Diablo 4. Rejoice I have two good news for you, first as you get this item, do not imprint it straight away to make it a Legendary. You're gonna re-roll the stat as a rare, some of these Side Quest items and generally also the ultra rares from the elite monsters. They are extremely cheap to reroll, they cost almost nothing I mean, this is just the material Forgotten Souls and Veiled Crystals and it cost me 6M Diablo 4 Gold to reroll that.

Diablo 4 603 Rare

Obviously I made the big mistake to just straight up imprint this turn into a Legendary and pay huge cost for actually rerolling, but I got the plus 15% max damage. So what to do now if your item rolls rare, instead of Sacred or Ancestral, because as a rare, it can only get upgraded three times, and if the item was Sacred, it could be actually getting five upgrades in a row.

There's good news, a little trick, you can take the item and then you're pulling a Ancestral aspect, so we have Sacred, Legendary aspects, Legendary aspects and then we have also Ancestral aspects later on. I can take this Ancestral, Legendary aspect and as you see if I now imprint this, Legendary Pants actually turn from a normal pants. Let's do this for you, to Ancestral Legendary pants, the Item Power stays, but the actual item is now Ancestral, so we could go back to Smith and upgraded another two times in Diablo 4, got a little sneaky trick to get a little bit more out of your equipment.

Diablo 4 Pants


The above are all the tips about obtaining Unique Loot that I introduced to you, thank you for reading, I hope it will be helpful to you, especially since Season 1 has officially started.

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