Source: MMOWTS
Amazon Game announced the April and May update plans for Lost Ark, including two new playable classes. The majority of players are looking forward to the upcoming update.
This update will introduce two new classes. One of them coming out in April, is Glaivier, a female character who fights with a polearm. Glaivier is set to switch freely between two poses, a flurry stance using a spear and a focus stance with the longer glaive. And Glaivier can create a balance between the two stances to maximize their potential, along with summoning whirlwinds and teleportation.
Another new class launched in April is the new continent, South Vern. Lost Ark set it up as a "once barren land" but now a "water-rich and green pasture" place. This will be the second level 3 continent in the game, with many new characters and unknown quests waiting for players to explore, players need to reach level 1340 to go to South Vern.
In May, Lost Ark will launch a weekly activity called Trial Guardian Raids, where players' item levels will be adjusted according to different combat targets. In addition, Lost Ark will also launch the first Legion Raid plan which is called Valtan.
This update develops a way to level up new characters to high levels, players need to provide the Feiton power pass for level 960 gear to level up your new Glaivier or any other character, in addition to that, you can also directly buy Lost Ark Gold and use them to upgrade, MMOWTS have sufficient Gold inventory, we can provide you cheap high-quality service at any time, Looking forward to your contact with us!