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Recommendations on Tank Classes in Wrath of the Lich King Classic
Nov 07, 2022

Source: MMOWTS

In WOTLK Classic, the number of classes that players can choose is virous, which also means it has a diverse set of tanks available as well. Each spec is unique on its own way, outstanding in one or two areas but perhaps having disadtanvages in others. Thus, it is important to know that different version will have different the best spec, players really need to know the double sides on their classes.

So this article aims to rank some specs that can be a good tank in WOTLK Classic, while looking at more about their effectiveness in raids, new-player friendliness, flashiness, and how it feels to play in the game.

Recommendations on Tank Classes in Wrath of the Lich King Classic2

Guardian Druid:

Frist of all, Druids are commonly seen as masters of all trades, this is a certainly thing for their tanking specialization, Guardian. They have decent defensive cooldowns and a plethora of self-healing, making them sturdier than Demon Hunters. However, they are also leather wearers, making them squishier than plate wearers, even in bear form.

Protection Warrior:

For most of the tank players, Protection Warriors were your staple tanks in the last versions. They have great defensive cooldowns and are very good at negating damage, making them quite sturdy and not overly dependent on their healers. They can also put out some pretty good damage, especially through their Spell Reflect ability that can reflect boss abilities back at them.

The only issue is the Protection Warriors have strong needs on gears, thus you need tons of WOTLK Classic Gold. If you looking for the cheap, MMOWTS would be your best assistance.

Blood Death Knight:

Blood Death Knights is an absolutely strong tank in the game with a little bit disadvantages. First off, their self-healing and magic damage mitigation is second to none. They can dish out some nice damage and don’t even need their healers half the time because of how efficiently they can keep themselves alive.

On top of that, Death Knights look and feel absolutely incredible good looking, really living up to the fantasy that is an unstoppable warrior of death. As if that weren’t enough, they are not too difficult to play, making them new-player-friendly as well, and they have some phenomenal utility, from their Death Grip to their battle rez (Raise Ally). They’re practically the complete package, but there’s still one tank better.

Protection Paladin:

Finally, Protection Paladins are hands down the best tank in the game. They have unbelievable healing that can be used on themselves and their allies. These abilities are so good that they practically fill the role of healer in addition to that of the tank. They have immunity spells to completely negate damage, and one of these spells can be cast on allies as well (Blessing of Protection), allowing you to ignore entire boss mechanics.

Protection Paladins have various Auras to give their group an extra buff and amazing utility between their stuns and immunities. The weakest thing about them is their lack of mobility, but they don’t need it; their healing and tankiness make it negligible.

That's all about the recommend spec for tank in WOTLK Classic. If you want to know more, come to MMOWTS.

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