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Top Classes for Beginners in Lost Ark
Oct 11, 2022

Source: MMOWTS

Lost Ark as one of the most interesting MMORPG games around the world always attracts lots of new players in every version. Sometimes it is hard for beginners to choose their proper classes, so today I would like to make a list to help beginners on builds' investment.

Top Classes for Beginners in Lost Ark1

Let's get more specific about recommendations, if you're looking for something beginner friendly, here is the list for some classes to recommend. The first pick is the Gunlancer, he is very forgiving to play since he's so tanky with lots of shields. If you make a mistake in combat, you're not gonna get punished that heavily for it, it's really rare to die from one shots when you're playing a Gunlancer.
It's also inexpensive to build a Gunlancer, because he can make use of engravings that other classes can't or at least shouldn't, that means it will be less expensive for him to buy on the auction house since there'll be less demand.

However, if that playstyle doesn't interest you, then the Artillerist is easy to learn, and play with high survivability though, we put this in a distinct second place to the Gunlancer.

Then there's the Berserkers mayhem build, very simple to play, two button build. Now we'll talk a bit more about that Mayhem Engraving, it gives you a debuff to your health, makes your health can never rise above 25% of its max, while that sounds scary, you can get a 65 damage reduction buff, and this also means that potions are now super effective for you. If a you can't keep above 25% of max health always, then some potions can always over healing you, that means you're going to save a lot of gold with this build on buying potions. Meanwhile, there is also a non-class specific combat engraving - Cursed Doll - that you can use, which makes you deal more damage based on how much health you are missing. You'll be able to pick it up for cheap because no one else wants to run this, so the demand for the engraving is going to be low, you can get it for cheap on the auction house.

Our final two beginner recommendations will be the two support classes, Bard and Paladin. These two use defensive engravings to sacrifice damage, while no other class would use, so their engravings will be cheaper to buy. The builds are cheap and they'll make you stay alive more easily, so it also helps with beginners.
The supports have lots of shields and defensive capabilities, meant to help your party but you benefit as well. Supports are also always needed in a party, even if you're not fully mid-maxed with your build and your gear. As long as you're hitting your skill timings on the buffs, you are the good choice.

So that's the beginner recommendations, if you're coming from another MMORPG, you may ask what's the best tank? what's the best support? what's the best dps? Acctually in Lost Ark, any combination of classes can be viable, which means there is barly no pure classes in this game, and that is the interesting part of the Lost Ark as well.

In time game updating news and more builds recommendations you can find in, and you are able to find the Cheap Lost Ark Gold  as well here.

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